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PermalinkSyntax Error
A Syntax error is caused due to incorrect usage or a typo in your code.
Some examples include -
- Missing or invalid opening/closing Brackets
, Parentheses(...)
or Curly braces{...}
function printNum(num) {
- Missing or invalid semicolons
or colons'
- Typo in variable name or function.
comst myName = "Abhishek";
PermalinkReference Error
A Reference error occurs when a variable
or a function
is used that does not exist or is out of scope. For example -
- Accessing a variable before Declaring.
- Accessing a variable before Initializing.
let age = 23;
- Declaring a variable without a variable name in
strict mode
"use strict"
age = 23;
- Out of Scope variable
function getUserInfo() {
const userName = "Abhishek";
PermalinkType Error
Type error occurs when some value doesn’t turn out to be of a particular expected type. For example -
- Using
Upper/Lower Case operation onInteger
const age = 20;
- Calling variables as functions
let userInfo;
- Updating a value that cannot be changed
const num1 = 10;
num1 = 20;
There are many ways an error can happen but these are some common types of errors and how they occur. Hope you learned something and thanks for reading.